We're still in the throes of nearly unbearable summer heat and humidity here in Cambridge (the weekend was nice tho!) and I just can't help thinking about Fall. It's so close!
If you know me, you know Halloween is my favorite holiday (Christmas is a close 2nd, but Halloween just doesn't have all of the stress associated with family holidays - no offense family!). It's not just Halloween though (costume pics to come)- I love Fall and the changing colors, the crisp cool air and the crunch of leaves under your footsteps, the first sweater you put on to go outside, boots, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, jack-o'lanterns, seeds... pumpkins! Everything pumpkin!

About a month ago, I spotted a cute little terra cotta pot in Christmas Tree Shops - a grow your own pumpkin (like the one pictured here (on the left))

Within days, it produced 5 rapidly growing seedlings. 2 I transferred to a larger pot and the rest went to my friend Krystle for her back yard garden (with a promise of a pumpkin if hers succeed and mine don't). Now, 5 weeks later, I am down to 1 plant that seems to be growing a little slower (it's still alive - that's a feat for me!) and due to some zealous watering and organic potting soil 2 lovely little mushrooms (which also popped out almost overnight!):
I know it's a long shot, but hopefully the pumpkin will follow suit and take off!
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