I finally got a new camera since the old one died without too much warning. It took AA batteries and no matter how fresh or freshly charged the batteries were, the camera wouldn't take more than one picture without telling me the batteries needed to be replaced. Ughh! So frustrating. It's sad too- I'm one of those people who thinks things are supposed to last if you take care of them. Apparently, 4 years is long enough for a small, budget friendly point and shoot camera. Figuring repairs would cost more than buying a new one, I decided to go ahead. After all, you can't blog very well without a decent camera.
I stuck with the same brand, and it's a newer model of the same line although I'm not sure why when the 1st one turned out the way it did. This model uses a rechargeable battery - not sure if that will make a difference. It definitely has a sleeker look and a lighter weight. I'm happy with it so far, but I haven't had a chance to use it much in the past couple of days (the few pics I took so far will be in the next post). A visit to the family this weekend should cure that! Hopefully I'll get a chance to really put it to use.
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